Discipline and focus are traits that are in very short supply today! This is because there are so many alternative data streams, it is easy to lose focus and concentrate on what really needs to get done. But there are still proven ways to increase focus and discipline over time.
#1 - Meditation
Meditation has been proven to increase concentration and focus over time, according to a large number of studies. It also has a wide number of associated medical benefits, such as an alleviation of depression and the lowering of blood pressure. It is one of the most direct ways to increase focus and discipline. Meditation is a lifelong practice and not a quick fix, which is a stark contrast to many of the current shortcuts that we can observe today. There are other direct forms of meditation which emphasize focusing on an object for long periods of time. In Tibetan spiritual systems, the practitioners were given yantras or symbols to concentrate on.
#2 - Rest and Relaxation
Rest and relaxation are essential. It is also proven that willpower is a fixed resource that is at its highest point in the morning and lowest point in the evening. But many people really fail to optimize their rest, which is also a way to optimize their discipline and focus. An example of this would be focusing on a good night's sleep - this could entail maintaining a clean room free of technology and clutter, diffusing some essential oil in the bedroom, and eating some sleep-inducing food a few hours before bed. It is also good to restore willpower during the day at frequent intervals and to learn to completely switch off from work at the weekends.
#3 - Diet and Exercise
Diet and exercise are integral to how much focus and willpower that we have. When people eat a healthy and balanced diet with appropriate exercise, they will have more focus and willpower with regard to what they want to achieve. The biggest challenge in this regard is caffeine. It helps to get the work completed, but it could be a bad move in the long-run. If you must have a coffee, then make sure it is high quality with little sugar and taken in the morning as opposed to the evening. Otherwise, it may disrupt sleep.
Working from home during the pandemic definitely tested my discipline and focus. One thing that helped me regain my focus was the e-book "How to Work From Home Productivity." I was able to discover how to stay productive working from home and develop my mind for success. If working from home is a challenge for you as well, I would definitely recommend this e-book that you can purchase in the Live & Love Etsy Store at this link.